Employee Wellness Benefits

Increase productivity, moral and your bottom line.

National surveys consistently show that healthy employees are more productive and consequently take less time off work for illness.  This leads to lower claims, and ultimately, results in lower premium renewals.

DVB Insurance Services works with many top carriers who understand the value of healthcare consumerism and include employee wellness benefits in many of the plan designs they offer.  These additional employee wellness benefits can be incorporated without hassle and at little or no cost to the employer and employee.

Employee Wellness Benefit Examples:

  • Biometric screening, education and preventative programs.

  • Onsite or virtual physical fitness & nutritional classes.

  • Discounts on gym memberships.

  • Smoking cessation programs.

  • Substance abuse counseling.

  • Financial counseling

Advantages of offering Wellness Benefits

  • Improves the health risk of your employees and reduces absenteeism.
  • Boosts the moral of your employees.
  • Increases the productivity of your employees.
  • Reduces claims and premiums.
  • Helps attract good talent.
  • We help streamline employee communication to engage employees.
  • We help track and report results.